Thursday, December 14, 2006

Still in Barcelona

We are getting ready to leave Barcelona and move on down the coast to Granada (where I will continue to study Spanish). The shot here of V in a doorwary is looking out onto the street from our hotel. Then there is the birds´eye view looking down at Porto Ferrisima (our street) from the room. We also took a shot of the me at Parc Guell (the last time I had my purple hat! I left it there somewhere.) And then there is a shot of one of the many fountains here (this one is at the Parc Ciutadella).

We have also enjoyed much of the Catalan style of cooking here, with eggplant and peppers roasted on bread, incredibly thin slices of tuna or bull meat (very salty) and salted roasted potatoes dipped in paprika-laden olive oil.

A few personal notes: Hello Dayna Rowan Sumrall!!! I hear you are reading our blog. I miss you terribly. Give Hannon and your mom and dad a big kiss for me okay?? And hey Mom, are you out there?? Post a comment below so I know . . . (just click on the comment button). And hello cast!! Are you learning your lines???? I want you off-book when I return. DJ, I am indebted to you for wrapping up the Lucy project!! Good job.


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About that catalan style guys might have to send me a four month supply of top rawmen.

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