Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Our first few days in Granada

Hello to all! Here are some new photos. The top one is from the balcony of our place on the Mediterranean (the good one, not the old folks home). It wasn´t super warm (70´s) but here in Granada it is only in the 40´s!! Cold. The second picture is just another door shot along the coast. The bottom two pictures are in our Granada neighborhood. The top one is the view from our apartment. Anyway, we visited the Alhambra today. No words. Such an interesting mix of Islam and Christianity.

Hello to a few new people checking our blog: Confidence and Devotion and clan, how exciting to get your comment. We have thought so much about you Confidence, because we look around and see your genetic strain lingering everywhere. Not really lingering, but alive and strong. We aren´t in the Basque region of course . . . but close enough. And hello to Jack and Gail and family!! The Catholic culture here is, obviously, wildly strong. We visited the Cathedral in Granada yesterday, the second largest in Spain. It is painted white inside with lime because of some disease that swept through here, but it makes it soooo different and clean and huge. I´ll try to post some pictures of it in the next blog. Anyway, it is the place where Ferdinand and Isabel are buried, we saw their crypts. I tell you, the Catholics sure are into their blood and gore. If I see one more sculpture of the decapitated body of John the Baptist, complete with gushing aortas and severed spine bits . . . Enough already. Anyone else out there???


Oh yes, the hamster questions . . . Can´t remember them right now. Next blog.

1 comment:

Martha said...

My class decided that I should go to Spain during the play and let Maura take my class. Hmm... Very tempting. Continue to have a wonderful time. Here we have had major wind storms. Last Thursday there were over a million people without power. Now it is down to a several thousand. New wind storm coming in tonight. So.. enjoy the cool but comfy weather and all the new sights, sounds, tastes and smells.