Sat in front of Rembrandt's Marriage of a Jewish Bride (though the Jewish Museum here has a display that seems to seriously doubt the claims that Rembrandt was so tight with the Jewish community and to doubt whether this is actually a Jewish Bride, but that's another museum) . . . anyway, sat in front of this piece for 45 minutes. It is alive.
And then, hello, this piece. My favorite Van Gogh painting. And two other floors of Van Gogh. I mean . . . really.
Then went to Ann Frank's house. On a beautiful street in a beautiful town. So hard to believe that human beings were such a good idea in evolution . . .
This is the bookcase that hid one of the secret passages up to the two floors the 8 lived in for those two years . . . Saw one of the actual diaries . . . A quote there that I can't remember fully but that basically talked about the fact that millions of people know and have felt the pain of the Frank family, the pain of one little girl that died in Bergen-Belsen just weeks before the end of the war while so many go unremembered. He comments that perhaps that is because it is simply not possible for a human body to contain the pain suffered by so many . . .
So many more things to see in Amsterdam . . . Will definitely be back.
See you all tomorrow. Especially you Sergei, right?? At about 3??? Our plane is scheduled to arrive 2 ish . . . We'll call with more details . . .
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