Monday, December 11, 2006

Sitges (a beautiful town on the Mediterranean)

We spent yesterday in Sitges, a small town on the Mediterranean. Bee yoo ti ful. We had an expensive-for-us-but-cheap-for-Sitges lunch. Duck and goat cheese and incredibly strong coffee . . . Aviathar is still feeling the bad paella, so he sat there and watched us all eat. He feels better today though.
We are beginning a series of photos of the two of us in front of doors. Sure to be a best seller.
I started school today. I have so much to learn!!! But I was put in a fairly high class so I guess I know more than I think I do.
Love to all.

1 comment:

michaelgc said...

Love your comments and photos. We have placed you on the Lincoln website. We are keeping the kids aware of your experiences as well.

Love that ham photo!
