Friday, December 1, 2006

Getting Ready to Leave

Aviathar and I should be busily working to get ready, shouldn't we??? But he is in Nebraska visiting his family. And though I am still home, I haven't started packing or even creating my lesson plans. Instead, I am learning how to blog. One of many new verbs to keep up with. Or should I say One of many new verbs up with which to keep. We will be adding news to this blog (a noun and a verb) during our trip when we can find access to the Internet.

We leave Seattle this Wednesday around noon. We fly straight to Barcelona. Quan (Aviathar's son) flies in on Friday and we spend the weekend touring Barcelona and playing. On Monday (December 11) I start school at the University of Barcelona. I take a placement test when I arrive. The following Monday finds us in Granada where I will study Spanish some more. We then have a few days where we will rent a car and drive around the country. Finally, we fly to Amsterdam for a few days of shopping before heading home.

We'll post photos and let you know how things are going. Can't wait to get there . . .



klee said...

You should be there by now as we have arrived in Glasgow and am now up at Tony and Teresa's. We had a relaxing train trip and will go to the panto tomarrow. Hope you have alot of fun with Quan.That is so cool he is joining you....Nice that you are going to study at such a nice looking school.... Love your Blog.......Klee

Elfa said...

Hey you guys! I wish I were there with you. Thanks for blogging, it's really fun to read what you are doing and living vicariously through your experiences. We miss you.

Egginox said...

Looks like you guys are getting to do some great traveling I'll never get to do :). Great pictures. I live in Raleigh NC and do database programming (except right now I'm looking for a new job!). Hope everything is going well. I had to stare at a couple of pictures to confirm to myself, yeah, that's david. That, along with The Pacific NW, Aviathar, visiting Nebraska et al pretty much clues me in. Drop me a line at - Regards, Gilbert