How exciting to get your comments class!! Shaina, yes there is a person inside. They´re called "Cabezas Grandes" or "Big heads" and they just wander around the streets here. This guy is only around during Christmas, he spits out candy and children run after to get it. Children and Aviathar that is. There are many street performers here. Statues that are really people and only move if you give them money; excellent, amazing guitar players just busking on the streets; and oh, so much more. There is a woman here selling sweet potatoes and chestnuts literally roasting over an open fire (no condiments, just the potatoe). Eric is right about the sports teams though, everyone here is crazy about their favorite football (soccer) players, you see it everywhere. The soccer museum is the most visited museum in this city. A city with over 40 museums, including one that takes up five palaces and is dedicated to Picasso. Anyway, the door in our picture was huge. At least twice as tall as we are!! That appears to be fairly common in the cathedrals and palaces around here. This was to let the horses with a rider on top get through. Dedrick, here is a picture of my classroom and some of my teachers. There are only 5 students in my class. A woman named Lies from Holland, a gorgeous German guy named Ollie, a Bostonian named Desi and a French Canadian named Janet. Jorge, thanks for asking how I am doing. I am wonderful. I am walking at least 10 miles a day and exploring the city. I am learning a new language, I couldn´t be better. Adam, our favorite part of the trip so far is La Sagrada Familia. It is awe-inspiring. It was started over 100 years ago, won´t be finished for another 30!!! Well, the hot chocolate you drink with a spoon was pretty good as well. Hmmm . . . Hard to pick. The meat in the picture, yeah, people buy it just like that. To buy an entire leg would cost about 240 euros (over $300). The pig was fed only acorns for the best ones. WE have eated much jamon, as it is called, and it is fantastico! I´m so glad you´re learning to draw, lucky!!! And oatmeal finally came, Ms. Quall must be thrilled.
No, it is not all that hot here. In fact, I am a bit cold. It´s probably in the 60´s during the day, but colder at night. Much warmer than when we left. Aviathar doesn´t agree with me, though. He says it´s colder than that. But, thanks Andrea for asking about Aviathar. He reports that he now feels great, but probably doesn´t want any more paella or any fish for a few days. He is exploring the city all day. He´s been on a tour of the Opera House (200 years old), the Picasso Museum, a Maritime Museum the size of 2 football fields (there was a full-size ship inside), and many others . . .
And yes, somebody did try to pick Aviathar´s pocket. Just an hour ago. He was lucky though because when Quan, his son, was here last weekend, he was pickpocketed by someone using the same technique. Two guys pretend to be playing soccer and jokingly come up and say "Hey you want to play soccer" They bump into you, they kick against your leg to distract you as they are pulling your wallet out of your pocket. Well, Quan didn´t notice at first when they stole his wallet, they are that good, but then a second guy tried to take stuff out of his other pocket and he noticed it moving. Then he realized what had happened and chased the guys down a back alley saying "Amigo, por favor" and believe it or not, they returned his wallet!!! Anyway, Aviathar knew what they were doing right away and pushed them away!!! Yeah!! Finally. (But just in case, I am still holding the money!).
Maura, thanks for taking care of my class!! You rock!